Manuelle Therapie

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Discover The Powerful Benefits Of Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a specialized approach within physical therapy that involves using hands-on techniques to assess, diagnose, and treat various musculoskeletal conditions. Our physical therapists at Integrity Rehab use manual therapy, among other techniques, to help our patients restore their function, reduce pain, prevent injury, and promote overall well-being.

Key components of manual therapy include joint mobilization, soft tissue manipulation, and therapeutic exercises. These techniques help to relieve muscle tension, correct joint imbalances, and restore optimal movement patterns in patients with various injuries or disorders.

Manual therapy techniques are often used in conjunction with other physical therapy treatments, such as exercise, stretching, and strengthening, to help patients recover from injuries or manage chronic pain.

With a results-driven approach to patient care, our treatment plans can deliver effective results based on science-backed techniques and healing strategies. Whether you’ve had a recent injury, are suffering from symptoms of an underlying condition, or are unsure about the source of your pain, our physical therapists in Leander, Salado, Temple, Burleson, Harker Heights, Killeen, and Copperas Cove are here to help you safely recover and return to the activities you enjoy!

Call our clinic today at 888-370-1433 to learn more and schedule your first appointment.

Conditions That Our Physical Therapists Treat

At Integrity Rehab, our physical therapists often employ manual therapy techniques to address a variety of common conditions that hinder mobility and cause discomfort. This evidence-based approach allows therapists to alleviate symptoms and facilitate healing.

The most prevalent conditions treated with manual therapy include musculoskeletal disorders, soft tissue injuries, and chronic pain syndromes, including the following:

  • Neck and back pain: Studies have shown that manual therapy techniques such as massage or soft tissue mobilizations (gentle pressure along your muscles, tendons, and ligaments) can decrease pain and increase function. Hands-on treatment can relieve stiffness and get your spine moving better.
  • Headaches: Our physical therapists can treat headaches with manual therapy by examining the head and neck with hands-on pressure. This works by locating the stiff joints or cramped muscles and mobilizing the area to ease pressure and improve mobility. Manual therapy techniques such as trigger point release and joint mobilization can help alleviate tension headaches and migraines.
  • Pelvic floor dysfunction: Symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction include constipation, muscle spasms in the pelvic area, and leaking urine when coughing, sneezing, laughing, or running. Manual therapy can help treat pelvic floor dysfunction by improving blood flow to the affected muscles, as well as helping muscles stretch and relax.
  • Chronic pain syndromes: Conditions like fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome are characterized by persistent pain and tenderness and can significantly impact your quality of life.

Our highly skilled physical therapists use manual therapy techniques to address your symptoms by employing a personalized, evidence-based approach designed to promote healing and restore function.

Wondering if physical therapy is right for you? Contact us today to learn more about our evidence-based care plans and book a consultation!

Achieve Your Maximum Potential!